Perfect Diagram Masthead

Thank You for Downloading Perfect Diagram

I am assuming that you have successfully downloaded Perfect Diagram. I will also assume that you are now ready to try your hand at using them within an appraisal or diamond grading report.

Open Word for Windows® to a new document. If yours does not open to a new document automatically, click on the white-page icon in the far right-hand end of your next-to-the-top menu.

You will notice a blinking line where your cursor is. You can change this position within an appraisal by merely clicking your mouse in the new location. Wherever this cursor is will be where the diagram will be placed.

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Open "Insert" on the top menu and then "Picture" and then "From File."

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A window will appear. Open the address window's end arrow and select the C Drive.

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The folders are listed in alphabetical order - locate the folder named Perfect Diagram.

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As you will see, cuts are grouped by shape. There are, for example, round cuts. The more popular round brilliant cuts have their own folder - for example, the Round Brilliant Cuts.

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Exploring the various folders, you will discover that there are three sub-folders. One is for both crown and pavilion plots, another one for crown views only and lastly, one for pavilion views only.

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If you open a folder, such as round brilliant crown-pavilion views, you will notice that they are numbered. "RB53S" indicates a "round brilliant with a 56% table and a medium sized culet." This is basically the logic throughout the gallery.

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Select any drawing and "Insert" it. You can see the drawings in the right-hand window of the current pop-up window (if not, then set Windows to allow this). The selected drawing will now appear in the document (your appraisal).

You need only decide if you want it larger or smaller - if the current size needs adjustment. Click once on the drawing and a box with handles will appear.

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Hold the mouse over any corner handle and click and hold. Now you can drag the corner in or out to produce a smaller or larger drawing. This is how to resize the drawing.

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Click on a center handle and drag and you will now resize the drawing but only from one direction. This is how to distort a drawing. Perhaps you need a round cut to be slightly out-of-round.

What about placement? If you have the drawing highlighted (click on it) you can place it on the right, left or center of the page. Open "Format" on the top menu, then "Paragraph." While in that window, use the "Alignment" mini-window to set the drawing to the left, right or center.

If you want to place two drawings side-by-side, use the "Tab" key to reposition the cursor and then simply add a second drawing. If the drawings are too big to fit side-by-side then the second drawing will drop under the first drawing. You can resize them until they both appear on the same line as desired.

Erasing a drawing is simple. Place your cursor just after the drawing and use the "Backspace" key to remove the drawing. You can also highlight the drawing and use the "Delete" key.

If you have any questions about using Perfect Diagram, contact me and I will help you.

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